Learning Results:
(The following required and recommended readings are hyperlinked off the different module pages website)
Required Supplemental Readings:
Your Source
for Law Enforcement IT Guidance, The Police Chief, Technology Talk,
May 20
to Wireless Data, Broadbeam White Paper, 2003
When They
CanÆt Talk, Lives Are Lost, National Institute for Justice
Recommended Readings:
800 MHz Public Safety
Interference: The Consensus Plan, The Police Chief, Technology Talk,
October 2003.
Your Source
for Law Enforcement IT Guidance, The Police Chief, Technology Talk,
May 2003
Spectrum, Executive Technology Brief, National Institute for Justice
Intranets: A
New Tool for Corrections Managers, Ned Benton, Corrections Managers'
Report, October/November 1996
to Wireless Data, Broadbeam Corporation, Trenton, New Jersey, 2000
Public Safety through Justice Information Sharing, National Governor's
A Center for Best Practices, February 2004
Public Safety
and the Interoperability Challenge Public Safety and the
Interoperability, Smith, Brenna and
Tom Tolman, AGILE, April 2000
Crime Analysis
in America: Findings and Recommendations, Timothy C. O'Shea, Ph.D.
DNA Testing:
Foolproof? CBS News 60 Minutes
A Beginner's
Primer on the Investigation of Forensic Evidence, Kruglick, Kim
Can Wiretaps
Remain Cost Effective? Hanson, Robin
History Repeated: The Dangers of Domestic Spying by Federal Law
Enforcement, ACLU, 2007
Expanded Descriptions of Assignments
Individual Website Presentations
Each learner will be assigned to conduct a review of two specific
websites. They will then provide a ten minute presentation on the
websites, as well as a one-page briefing paper. The learner shall
provide a copy of the briefing paper to each member of the class. The
list of websites can be found at:
Website Review Project
Exams one and two will consist of 50 multiple choice, true-false or
short answer questions. All of the material in the exams will come
from the primary text and will be cumulative.
Group Project
The final three chapters of the primary text book will be used as
broad outline for the group project. The group project has two
components. First, each group will produce an eight to ten page
analysis of the assigned topic. Second, the group will lead a panel
discussion on their topic. The three board areas of inquiry mirror the
final three chapters of the primary text and are: Personnel and
Training; Implementing and Managing Technology; and,
Emerging and Future Technologies. At a minimum, the group
paper should be 8-10 pages in length
In addition to being in APA format, the group paper should address the
following under these specific headings:
Impact of Technology;
Non-technology Alternatives;
Outcomes and Consequences (intended and un-intended); and,
group as a panel will then present the their research and findings to
the class. Groups should be prepared to lead a 30 minute discussion.
Issue Papers
Learners are required to prepare two (2) typed, 3-5 page, papers that
are a discussion and analysis of a course related issue. At a minimum,
it is expected that the learners will produce an academically sound
and properly formatted work (APA format is strongly encouraged); with
a minimum of three sources, not including the text book. The
instructor will provide more information concerning the papers during
class. The papers will be graded on content as well as exposition.
Practical Exercise Roundtable Discussion
Depending on the size of the class, each learner will be assigned
between one and three short, practical exercises. These exercises are
to be completed outside of classroom time. As an example, the learner
could: experiment with intrusion detection; experiment with
state place coordinates; or, determine an IP address. The
exact practical exercise will be assigned during class. The learner is
to prepare a one paragraph description of the experience and then
participate in a roundtable discussion with all class learners. At a
minimum, the roundtable discussion will explore: the value of
practical exercises; the potential for use in criminal justice; the
potential for abuse in criminal justice; and, the limitations of the
Within the university setting, learners are expected to attend class
on a regular basis, complete all readings and assignments before the
stated dates and participate in topic discussions to enhance their
overall learning experience. As participation is directly related to
attendance, and because of the abbreviated nature of the eight week
session, learners missing any class will not receive credit for
participation. Attendance will be recorded by a class roster that will
be passed among the learners during each class. It is the learnerÆs
responsibility to sign the roster.
Participation is ten percent of the learnerÆs final grade. In addition
to attendance, participation will also be measured by the use of an
online threaded discussion. Specific instructions regarding the online
forum will be presented during the course orientation and are
available in Module One on this website.
Exam One
10% Exam Two 20% Group Project 20% Issue Paper One 10% Issue Paper Two 10% Practical Exercise 10% Website Presentation 10% Participation 10% Course Total 100% |
Final Deadline for all work
All course work is due at the start of class in the week indicated on
schedule. Absent prior permission, late assignments will be assessed a
penalty of one letter grade per week. For information concerning the
completion of course work beyond the last day of class refer to the
UI&U Catalog.
Ethical Conduct
Learners should be aware that there are severe consequences for
violations of academic ethical conduct. Primarily, we are concerned
with cheating and plagiarism. Learners who are determined to have
cheated or committed plagiarism will face disciplinary action as
identified within UI&U regulations. For additional clarification of
cheating and/or plagiarism, refer to the UI&U Catalog for policies
regarding Academic Integrity.
American with Disabilities Act Compliance
Please refer to the Catalog for policies regarding American
DisabilitiesÆ Act or
http://www.tui.edu/ASN/serv_learner_disab/default.asp for further
assistance regarding UI&U compliance with ADA.
Download a copy of the syllabus
® 2004-2009 Raymond E. Foster, Hi Tech Criminal Justice