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Helpers hyperlinks are not recommended or Supplemental readings. Helpers are hyperlinks to major theories, technologies or sciences in the text. And, most of the helper hyperlinks are multimedia presentations. The purpose of helpers is to provide you with an alternative way of looking at a topic and enhance your learning experience. If you are not sure you understand something in the text, look to see if there is a helper hyperlink here.
Hard to Find, Is Hard to Save, PowerPoint Presentation on 9-1-1
VoIP and 9-1-1 (FCC Information)
State Strategies for Accelerating Enhanced 9-1-1 Implementation, National Governor's Association, Center for Best Practices, April 2004
Future E 9-1-1 and Emergency Telecommunications Evolution, Slide Show from NENA
The Intelligent Transportation Systems Public Safety Program: Opportunities for Technological Advancement in Detecting, Responding, and Recovering from Community Emergencies, US Department of Transportation
Homeland Security and ITS: Using Intelligent Transportation Systems to Improve and Support Homeland Security, US Department of Transportation
Crime and Delinquency, Lecture D, Measuring Crime (Slide Show), Starbuck PhD., Gene, Mesa State College
The XML FAQ, How We Can Talk Video
(Windows Media Player), Justice Information Technology Network
Interoperability (Video), Justice Information Technology Network
Office of Justice Programs, State and Local Justice Integration Initiative (Slide Show), Kendall, Paul and Anne Gardner, June 2000
Data-mining to Detect Terrorism, Hawthorne
Data Mining and Terrorism, PowerPoint, Dunham, SMU
What Are Economies of Scale?, Heakal, Reem, Investopedia, January 2003
Journey After Crime: How Far and to Which Direction do they Go?, (PowerPoint Presentation), Yongmie Lui, PhD., Texas State University
Geographic Information Analysis: From GIS to GIA, The Science of the System Applying Animal Movement Analysis Techniques to the Study of Crime, Sean Bair, Program Manager Crime Mapping and Analysis Program
The Ten Commandments of Crime Analysis, Christopher W. Bruce, Crime Analyst, Danvers (MA) Police Department
Manual of Crime Analysis Map Production, Department of Justice, Community Orientated Policing Service
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