Learning Outcomes & Competencies
University Outcomes
• Express and interpret ideas clearly, using a
variety of written, oral and/or visual forms;
• Use different modes of disciplinary and interdisciplinary inquiry to
explore ideas and issues from multiple perspectives; and,
• Express ethical & social implications in one’s social, professional,
artistic and/or scholarly practice.
Major Outcomes
• Summarize and interpret current issues in the field of criminal
justice and how these issues impact criminal justice organizations,
criminal justice personnel and other stakeholders; and,
• Analyze, critique and defend criminal justice policy and service
delivery from a management point of view.
Course Specific Outcomes
• Describe the differences between tactical and strategic information.
• Understand the limitations, strengths and potentials of certain
technologies such as data bases, geographic information systems and a
myriad of communications schemes.
• As an online course that concentrates on technology and includes
practical exercises, the learner will develop new computer skills and
enhance existing skills.
• Because the study of technology requires a base of knowledge
concerning technical and scientific information, the learner will
increase their general knowledge of science and the scientific method
while participating in this course.
• Because this course examines technology against the background of
traditional law enforcement themes, theories and models, the learner
will enhance their understanding of non-technological criminal justice
• Understand the role technology plays in traditional crimes and new
crimes created as a result of the technology.
• Enhance their research and writing skills through course work.
Instructor Biography
Raymond E. Foster was a sworn member of the Los Angeles Police
Department for 24 years. He retired in 2003 at the rank of Lieutenant.
He holds a bachelor’s from the Union Institute and University in
Criminal Justice Management and a Master’s Degree in Public Financial
Management from California State University, Fullerton. He completed all
of the course work in his doctoral studies in business research. Raymond
is a graduate of the West Point Leadership program and has attended law
enforcement, technology and leadership programs such as the National
Institute for Justice, Technology Institute, Washington, DC.
Raymond is currently a part-time lecturer at California State
University, Fullerton and the Union Institute and University. He has
experience teaching upper division courses in law enforcement, public
policy, technology and leadership. Raymond is an experienced author who
has published numerous articles in a wide range of venues including
magazines such as Government Technology,
Mobile Government, Airborne Law
Enforcement Magazine, and Police One. He has appeared on the History
Channel and radio programs in the United States and Europe as subject
matter expert in technological applications in law enforcement. For
instance, he was recently interviewed by the London Independent on the
use of cellular telephone technology in explosive devices. Raymond’s
complete CV can be viewed
Due Dates Winter 2008 | Go To | ||
Semester | Session I | Session II | |
January 2 | January 2 | February 25 | Semester/Session Begins |
January 31 | January 11 | March 7 | Module One |
February 22 | January 25 | March 21 | Module Two |
March 21 | February 8 | April 4 | Module Three |
April 14 | February 21 | April 17 | Module Four |
April 19 | February 23 | April 19 | Semester/Session Ends |
Expanded Descriptions of Assignments
Exams one and two will consist of 50 multiple choice, true-false
or short answer questions. All of the material in the exams will come
from the primary text and will be cumulative. The exams will be sent
via email and should be returned via US Mail. Contact the
instructor when you are ready to receive the exams.
Forum Participation
Through the forum you will be able to participate and establish a
dialogue with tutorial learners in this course as well as other
courses being taught by your instructor. On the course website you
will find the due dates for participation; they are roughly at the end
of each module. Moreover, on the website you will find instructions
on logging into the forum and hyperlinks that take you directly to the
salient question. To receive full credit for participation you must
answer each discussion question and respond to at least one other
learner/student in the same discussion question. Minimally, you will
complete two posts on the forum during each module.
Website Review
The websites are hyperlinked off the course website. For this
assignment, choose five of the websites. Write a one-page management
briefing paper on each. Presume for this assignment that your
supervisor has directed you to review these five sites and that you
are to brief your agency’s chief executive on website. What
information is critical for your agency’s chief executive?
Discussion Questions
Superior responses to discussion questions (the grade A) will be those
responses that not only incorporate the primary text, but also the
supplemental readings, additional research and the learner’s personal
experiences. It is not enough to just answer the question, you must
find connections.
Try This Exercises
In addition to recording what happened, you should also analyze the
exercise. Ask yourself: How is this useful to criminal justice
practitioners? What management, social or ethical issues are involved
in the use of this technology?
Mid-term Paper
Learners are required to prepare typed, 3-5 page paper on a course
related issue (Fragmentation,
Community Policing, or Situational Crime Prevention).
At a minimum, it is expected that the learners will produce an
academically sound and properly formatted work (APA format is strongly
encouraged); with a minimum of three sources, not including the text
book. The papers will be graded on content as well as exposition.
Superior papers will incorporate management and supervision issues as
well as a discussion the impact of technology in the area chosen.
Final Paper
The final three chapters of the primary text book will be
used as broad outline for the Session/Semester project. Your task is
to produce an eight to ten page analysis of the topic you choose.
Recall, the three board areas of inquiry are: Personnel and Training;
Implementing and Managing Technology; and, Emerging and Future
Technologies. At a minimum, the paper should be 8-10 pages in length
with 8-10 references. The book may be used as a reference.
In addition to being in properly formatted (APA is strongly encouraged), the paper should address the following under these specific headings; Background; Impact of Technology; Non-technology Alternatives; Stakeholders; Outcomes and Consequences (intended and un-intended); Recommendations. During the Session/Semester you are required to submit certain parts of your research/paper.
Exam One 10%
Exam Two 10%
Participation 10%
Discussion Questions 10%
Practical Exercises 10%
Mid Term Paper 20%
Final Paper or Assignment 30%
Semester Total 100%
Final Deadline for all
All course work is due at the start of class in the week
indicated on schedule. Absent prior permission, late assignments will
be assessed a penalty of one letter grade per week. For information
concerning the completion of course work beyond the last day of class
refer to the UI&U Catalog.
Ethical Conduct
Learners should be aware that there are severe consequences
for violations of academic ethical conduct. Primarily, we are
concerned with cheating and plagiarism. Learners who are determined to
have cheated or committed plagiarism will face disciplinary action as
identified within UI&U regulations. For additional clarification of
cheating and/or plagiarism, refer to the UI&U Catalog for policies
regarding Academic Integrity.
© 2004-2008 Raymond E. Foster, Hi Tech Criminal Justice