Learning Results:
(The following required and recommended readings are hyperlinked off the different module pages website)
Required Supplemental Readings:
Your Source
for Law Enforcement IT Guidance, The Police Chief, Technology Talk,
May 20
to Wireless Data, Broadbeam White Paper, 2003
When They
CanÆt Talk, Lives Are Lost, National Institute for Justice
Recommended Readings:
800 MHz Public Safety
Interference: The Consensus Plan, The Police Chief, Technology Talk,
October 2003.
Your Source
for Law Enforcement IT Guidance, The Police Chief, Technology Talk,
May 2003
Spectrum, Executive Technology Brief, National Institute for Justice
Intranets: A
New Tool for Corrections Managers, Ned Benton, Corrections Managers'
Report, October/November 1996
to Wireless Data, Broadbeam Corporation, Trenton, New Jersey, 2000
Public Safety through Justice Information Sharing, National Governor's
A Center for Best Practices, February 2004
Public Safety
and the Interoperability Challenge Public Safety and the
Interoperability, Smith, Brenna and
Tom Tolman, AGILE, April 2000
Crime Analysis
in America: Findings and Recommendations, Timothy C. O'Shea, Ph.D.
DNA Testing:
Foolproof? CBS News 60 Minutes
A Beginner's
Primer on the Investigation of Forensic Evidence, Kruglick, Kim
Can Wiretaps
Remain Cost Effective? Hanson, Robin
History Repeated: The Dangers of Domestic Spying by Federal Law
Enforcement, ACLU, 2007
Forum Participation
Through the forum you will be able to participate and establish a
dialogue with tutorial learners in this course as well as other
courses being taught by your instructor. To receive full credit for
participation you must answer each discussion question and respond to
at least one other learner/student in the same discussion question.
Minimally, you will complete two posts on the forum during each
module. Specific information on logging into the forum is found
on the module one page. Each module of instructions contains a
hyperlink to the proper question. Superior responses to discussion
questions (the grade A) will be those responses that not only
incorporate the primary text, but also the supplemental readings,
additional research and the learnerÆs personal experiences. It is not
enough to just answer the question, you must find connections.
Try This Exercises
In addition to recording what happened, you should also analyze the
exercise. Ask yourself: How is this useful to criminal justice
practitioners? What management, social or ethical issues are involved
in the use of this technology?
Mid-term Paper
Learners are required to prepare typed, 3-5 page paper on a course
related issue (Fragmentation, Community Policing, or Situational Crime
Prevention). At a minimum, it is expected that the learners will
produce an academically sound and properly formatted work (APA format
is strongly encouraged); with a minimum of three sources, not
including the text book. The papers will be graded on content as well
as exposition. Superior papers will incorporate management and
supervision issues as well as a discussion the impact of technology in
the area chosen.
Final Paper
The final three chapters of the primary text book will be used as
broad outline for the Session/Semester project. Your task is to
produce an eight to ten page analysis of the topic you choose. The
three board areas of inquiry are: Personnel and Training; Implementing
and Managing Technology; and, Emerging and Future Technologies. At a
minimum, the paper should be 8-10 pages in length with 8-10
references. The book may be used as a reference.
In addition to being in properly formatted (APA is strongly
encouraged), the paper should address the following under these
specific headings:
Impact of Technology
Non-technology Alternatives
Outcomes and Consequences (intended and un-intended)
the Session/Semester you are required to submit certain parts of your
1. Module One: One paragraph describing the topic you have chosen;
2. Module Two: Expanded bibliography. An expanded bibliography details
your source and describes in three or four sentences how that source
will be used in your paper.
3. Module Three: As an option, you may submit a draft of your paper
during Module Three. If you are having difficulty writing the paper or
understanding the directions, this is the time to seek assistance. The
draft option is only available during Module Three.
4. Module Four: Submit final paper.
Website Review
The websites for review can be found on that page. For this
assignment, choose five of the websites. Write a one-page management
briefing paper on each. Presume for this assignment that your
supervisor has directed you to review these five sites and that you
are to brief your agencyÆs chief executive on website. What
information is critical for your agencyÆs chief executive?
Exams one and two will consist of 50 multiple choice, true-false or
short answer questions. All of the material in the exams will come
from the primary text and will be cumulative. The exams will be sent
via email and should be returned via US Mail.
Learning Evaluation:
A |
90-100% |
B |
80-89% |
C |
70-79% |
U |
69% and Under |
Papers and Assignments:
Note: All assignments, particularly forum postings are due on or before the stated dates. Late assignments will lose one letter grade.
Due Dates Fall 2009 | ||
Session I | Session II | Go To |
August 31, 2009 | October 26, 2009 | Session Begins |
September 11, 2009 | November 6, 2009 | Module One |
September 25, 2009 | November 11, 2009 | Module Two |
October 9, 2009 | December 4, 2009 | Module Three |
October 21, 2009 | December 16, 2009 | Module Four |
October 24, 2009 | December 19, 2009 | Session Ends |
® 2004-2009 Raymond E. Foster, Hi Tech Criminal Justice